View Category

Review or edit an existing category

Field Descriptions

  • Parent: Click on Edit to open the Category Modal. Here you can assign a parent category. For example a parent category might be "Lights" and children categories could be "Fluorescent", "Halogen", or "LED".

  • Slug: Give your category a Slug for SEO. A slug is the part of the URL that uniquely identifies a page and it's in a format that is easily readable by both users and search engines.

  • Avatax Code: If you are using Avatax for sales tax calculation a certain category might be taxed differently. For example food items can be taxable in some states and not in others. Learn more about Avalara here,

  • UNSPSC: United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC). You can align your categories with the standards for UNSPSC. UNSPSC is often required to integrate with large ERP systems or marketplaces like Ariba. Learn more about UNSPSC here,

  • Image/Icon: Give your category an image to visually define it.

    • Click on the Browse image button to add an image to your category. VendorFuel uses the WordPress Media Library to add images. You can drag and drop an image which will upload it to the media library or you can search existing images by clicking on the Media Library tab.

Parent Category Button

Click on this button to be taken up one category to the direct parent of the category you are on. In this example we are on Fabric Chairs with a parent of Office Chairs & Seating. Click the Parent Category Button to be taken to Office Chairs & Seating.

Show Sub-Categories Button / Show Products Button

Click on this button to see all sub-categories of the category you are on. In this example we are on Fabric Chairs. The three sub-categories to the left all fall directly underneath Fabric Chairs.

When you click on the sub-categories button it will now display the associated sub-categories. The button will change names to Show Products with the number of products in the category listed in (#). Click on Show Products to return to the category products view.

Edit Category Button

Click on the Edit Category Button to add products to this category.

Delete Button

Click on the Delete Button to delete this category.

Save Changes Button

Click on the Save Changes Button to save any edits you have made to this category. Please not you must click Save Changes or any edits you have made will be lost.

Last updated