Add Punchout Supplier

How to add a punchout supplier.

To add a punchout supplier from the VendorFuel Dashboard,

  1. Select Punchout in the top navigation menu. This will take you to the Punchout Suppliers list.

  2. Select the Add New Supplier button. You should then see a form to enter your punchout supplier information in the following fields:

    • Name

    • Domain type: either DUNS or Network ID

    • Inventory identity: This credential is used for price availability checks.

    • Domain identity

    • Domain shared secret

    • Punchout identity

    • Punchout shared secret

    • Endpoint related fields:

      • Update endpoints daily

      • Endpoint Base URL

    • Order Request related fields

      • Order Request Customer ID

      • Order Request Billing ID

      • Order Request Role ID

    • SKU related fields

      • SKU prefix

      • SKU priority

    • Logo: The URL of a logo of the supplier that will appear in the frontend to customers.

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