
The Settings Plugin tab.


VendorFuel API key

Your VendorFuel API key provided upon registration.

Catalog options


Product slug

The product base for product links. (i.e. products would make links like

Category slug

The product base for product links. (i.e. categories would make links like

Catalog filters


Enable recyclable options

Adds a 'Only recycled' filter on the catalog page, which allows users to filter only items with Post Consumer Recycled Content.

Enable AbilityOne

Enables the AbilityOne filter on the catalog pages.

Enable Core List

Enables the Core List filter on the catalog pages.

Enable GSA

Enables the GSA filter on the catalog pages.

Disable facet filters

Check this to disable facets such as brands, manufacturers and attributes from appearing as filters on the catalog.

Exclude sold out items by default

Enable this to exclude sold-out items by default on inventory controlled catalogs. If unchecked, users can still exclude sold-out items from the catalog if inventory control is enabled.



Show subcategory cards on catalog pages

Limit of subcategory cards to show

If empty or set to 0, all of the subcategories will be shown.


Catalog pagination

Use pagination instead of infinite scroll for the catalog. Feature not currently used. Catalog shows pagination regardless of this setting.

Product detail options


Related products title

The title for the related products on the product detail page. Defaults to 'Related products'.

Show related products above specifications

Enabling this will display any related products above the products specifications on the product detail page. Leave this unchecked if you want to display related products underneath specifications.

Show product reviews

Cart options


Show free shipping minimum spend

Enable to show the free shipping minimum spend requirement in the cart menu and cart page. This can be used to encourage customers to spend more to qualify for free shipping, if available.

Checkout options

Additional checkout fields

The following fields can be enabled to be shown on the checkout page, along with being required:

  • Company/Organization

  • Purchase order number

  • Issuing office

  • Cost center code

  • Attention

  • Notes

Registration options


Require address

Require address during registration of new users.

Other options


Load Bootstrap 4

Load Bootstrap 4 CSS and JavaScript for VendorFuel-related templates.

Confirm deletions


Confirm navigation


Development options




Enable debug mode

Enabling this will load unminified versions of the plugin's JavaScript files and log additional messages to the browser console.

Last updated